Selection of 3013 containers for field surveillance: LA-14310, Revision 1

Autor: James McClard, Theodore Venetz, Jerry Stakebake, Larry Peppers, Elizabeth Kelly, Gary Friday
Rok vydání: 2009
Popis: This document is the fifth in a series of reports that document the binning, statistical sampling, and sample selection of 3013 containers for field surveillance. 1,2,3,39 Revisions to binning assignments documented in this report are primarily a result of new prompt gamma data. This report also documents changes to the random sample specification resulting from these binning changes and identifies and provides the rationale for the engineering judgment sample items for Fiscal Year (FY) 2008 and 2009. This revision also updates the changes to the previous surveillance sample resulting from changes to the order that specific containers undergo surveillance. This report will continue to be reviewed regularly and revised as needed to meet the requirements of the surveillance program.
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