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Ozet Dis curugu en onemli agiz hastaligi olarak kabul edilmektedir. Uygulanan bircok koruyucu tedavi sonucunda dis curugu gorulme orani gun gectikce dusus gosterse de, ozellikle gelismekte olan ulkelerde hala onemli bir saglik problemi olusturmaktadir. Dis curugunun olusumu bircok etkene baglidir. En onemli sebep mikroorganizmalar, ozellikle de S. mutans ’dir. Yetiskin hastalarda oral mikroflora hakkinda detayli arastirmalar yapilmis olup cocuk hastalarda da benzer oral mikroflora goruldugune dair calismalar bulunmaktadir. Buna karsin, cocuk hastalarda bu konuda hala eksiklikler vardir. Cocuklarda; calismanin guclugu, buyume gelisime bagli olarak gorulen degisimler bu eksikligin sebepleri olarak gorulebilir. Mikroorganizmalar, agiz icerisinde olusturduklari biyofilm ile cevrenin olumsuz sartlarindan korunarak daha uzun sure hayatta kalabilmekte ve cogalabilmektedirler. Boylelikle, dis curukleri ve diger agiz hastaliklarini olusturmaktadirlar. Biyofilmin ortadan kaldirilmasi icin yetiskin hastalarda mekanik temizlik ile birlikte klorheksidin diglukonat, en sik olarak kullanilan kimyasal ajandir. Uzun sure etkin bir tedavi saglamis olmasina karsin, dislerde renklenme, tat degisikligi, toksik ve yan etkileri bulunmaktadir. Yetiskinlerde kullanilan bu ajanlarin, cocuk hastalarda kullanimi olasi toksik etkileri nedeni ile kaygi olusturmakta ve gunumuzde tercih edilmemektedir. Dogal bitkisel urunler, gunluk hayatta ve geleneksel tedavilerde rutin olarak kullanilmaktadir. Bu derlemede, oral biyofilmin engellenmesinde yesil cayin kullanilabilirligi tartisilacak ve etki mekanizmalari sunulacaktir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Biyofilm, yesil cay, oral mikroorganizmalar EFFECTS of GREEN TEA on ORAL HEALTH and ORAL BIOFILM REMOVAL – REVIEW Abstract Dental caries is one of the most important oral disease. Although the incidence of dental caries decreases day by day as a result of the many preventive treatments, it is stil an important health problem especially in developing countries. The formation of dental caries depends on several factors and the most important microorganism, particularly, S.mutans . Detailed oral microflora studies for adults has been performed and there are publications that indicate similar oral microflora on pediatric patients. However, there are still some deficiencies with regard to this subject in children. Difficulties on studying on children and changes depending on growth and development may regarded as reasons for the deficiencies. Microorganisms are protected from the negative enviromental conditions by biofilm formed in the mouth, and they survive for a longer period and proliferate. Therefore, microorganisms create dental caries and other oral diseases. Chlorhexidine digluconate with mechanical cleaning is the most commonly used chemical agent to remove biofilm for adult patients. Although providing an effective treatment for a long time, it has unfavourable characteristics such as tooth discoloration, taste change, and toxic side effects. The usage of these agents in pediatric patients causes anxiety and is not preferred due to the toxic effects in these times. For centuries, the useage of plant extracts as a routine in daily life and traditional treatments is known. This review, focuses on the availability of green tea to removal oral biofilm and effective mechanisms. Keywords: Biofilm, green tea, oral microorganisms |