Effect of electrical conduction on the saturation of electron emission from diamond needles

Autor: Ivan Blum, Julien Mauchain, Benoit Chalopin, Angela Vella, Olivier Torresin, Mario Borz
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: 2020 33rd International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference (IVNC).
Popis: Single crystal diamond needles are promising structures as point electron sources. However, the low electrical conductivity of diamond limits their application as high brightness electron sources. Here we study numerically the field emission behavior of single crystal diamond needles in order to better explain the link between their low electrical conduction, and phenomena related to the saturation of the Fowler-Nordheim plot such as the nonhomogeneous field distribution in the needle. Comparison with experimental results shows that the conduction behavior depends on the diamond geometry. Moreover, the Fowler-Nordheim plot saturation is shown to be affected by the electrostatic environment.
Databáze: OpenAIRE