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Turkish Abstract: Cagimizda teknoloji surekli olarak ve hizla gelismektedir. Bu hizli gelisime ayak uydurabilmek, yeni bilgiler ogrenip uygulamak ancak teknolojiyi yakindan takip etmekle mumkundur. Gerek egitimde, gerekse diger calismalarda teknolojinin yakindan takibi etkinlik ve verimliligin artirilmasinda en temel etkendir. Toplumlarin gelisme gostermeleri, refaha ulasabilmeleri, bilgiyi gelistirebilmeleri teknoloji sayesinde mumkundur. Bu calismada Marmara bolgesindeki universitelerin Iktisadi ve Idari Bilimler Fakultelerinde gorev yapan ogretim elemanlarinin internet kabulune iliskin davranislari incelenmistir. Bu amacla 170 ogretim elemanindan anket yoluyla veri toplanmis ve Algilanan Fayda, Algilanan Kullanim Kolayligi, Sosyal Etki, Kolaylastirici Etmenler, Algilanan Kisisel Yetenegin Ogretimde ve Diger Calismalarda Internet Kullanimi ve Gelecekte Internet Kullanim Niyeti uzerindeki etkileri incelenmistir. Degiskenler arasindaki iliskinin test edilebilmesi icin, SPSS programi kullanilarak faktor, korelasyon ve regresyon analizleri yapilmistir. English Abstract: The technology is improving continuously and rapidly in today’s era. Adaptation to the mentioned rapid improvements as well as learning and implementing new information are only possible by following the technology closely. Technology’s close pursuit in education and other areas is the most fundamental factor to increase efficiency and productivity. Development of societies, reaching prosperity and welfare, as well as experiencing progress in knowledge are enhanced by technology. This study analyzes the behaviors of academicians regarding internet acceptance, who work in faculties of economics and administrative sciences located in Marmara region universities. For this purpose, data were collected from 170 academicians using the questionnaire methodology. The impacts of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of useness, social influence, facilitating elements and perceived personal skills on education, internet usage and future internet usage intention were investigated. SPSS package program was used to test the relationship among variables and to run factor, correlation and regression analysis. |