Sociology of Work in Hungary

Autor: Violetta Zentai
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: The Palgrave Handbook of the Sociology of Work in Europe ISBN: 9783319932057
Popis: A concise history of the sociology of work in Hungary after 1945 can be divided into two major periods: one that emerged during state socialism analysed labour control and working-class formation in a bureaucratic regime of production, and another examined labour in the post-socialist transformations after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. The chapter connects the production of ideas before and after 2010 by arguing that systemic reactions to financialization and neoliberalism began before the 2008 economic crisis in Hungarian sociological research. Labour studies before and after 1989 are not mirror images of one another even if socialism and capitalism have been important meta-frames in shaping critical scholarship.
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