Intending or Pretending? Automatic Evaluations of Goal Cues Discriminate True and False Intentions

Autor: Pär Anders Granhag, Aldert Vrij, Fredrik Juhlin, Karl Ask
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Applied Cognitive Psychology. 27:173-177
ISSN: 0888-4080
Popis: Summary: This research presents a novel approach to discriminating between true and deceptive statements about intended future behavior. Arguing that true intentions are goal-directed, we predict that people who genuinely intend to pursue a reported goal will implicitly evaluate goal-relevant cues positively, whereas people who do not intend to pursue the goal will not. Participants in an experiment were instructed to tell the truth about a planned future behavior (true intention) or to falsely report that same behavior to mask their actual mock-criminal intention (false intention). As predicted, an evaluative priming task showed that participants with true intention exhibited implicit positive evaluations of cues relevant to the reported goal, whereas participants with false intention did not. Subsequent analyses showed that implicit positivity significantly discriminated between true and false intentions. The findings are discussed in terms of theoretical contributions and implications for the development of future detection tools. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. The ability to accurately assess others’ intentions is crucial in many social settings (e.g., close relationships, business negotiations), and particularly when trying to prevent harmful criminal activity. Consider, for instance, a border patrol screening passengers for potential terrorists, asking them about the purpose of their journey. Given that both friendly and hostile passengers will try to answer inconspicuously, how can the true and the deceptive answers be distinguished? In this article, we argue that goal-directedness is a defining property of true (but not false) intentions. We then present an experiment testing the potential of evaluative priming—used here as an implicit measure of goal pursuit— to discriminate between true and false intentions. Few cues discriminate reliably between truthful and deceptivestatements(DePauloetal.,2003),andpeoplearegenerally poor at detecting deception based on verbal and nonverbal
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