Electrophoresis of Heteropolymers. Effect of Stiffness

Autor: Mykyta V. Chubynsky, Gary W. Slater
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Macromolecules. 48:5899-5913
ISSN: 1520-5835
Popis: In the limit of a small Debye length, the electrophoretic mobility of a charged heteropolymer is a weighted average of the mobilities of its parts. The weights are a function of the position along the chain that depends on the properties of the polymer, such as its stiffness. It is known that for a flexible polymer the weights diverge as a power law at the ends, while for a rodlike polymer the divergence is only logarithmic. Using the Kirkwood–Riseman approximation, we study in detail the intermediate case of a semiflexible polymer. We find that for sufficiently small persistence lengths, the position dependence of the weights matches that for flexible polymers away from the ends, but crosses over to the logarithmic dependence characteristic of rods near the ends. While this crossover is broad and the exact points at which it occurs can be defined in different ways, we give an operational definition of the distance of the crossover points from the respective end that turns out to be nearly independent of ...
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