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Concurrently in the West of Venezuela, they have come proposing technicians to improve the recovery of oil weighed through of new processes of thermal stimulation that do not use water steam as agent of heating. In this work it is considered the injection of hot gasoil the reservoir and exists the thermal stimulation process's physical mathematical foundation, based on the several mechanisms of heat transference as convection and conduction, as a whole with the mechanism of transference of matter for liquid diffusion – liquid, which one, it based in: A Balance of calorific energy, through it is determinated distribution of temperature in the reservoir, and the heat losses to the adjacent formations evaluated by the model of Marx and Langengein, besides the model of production defined by Boberg and Lantz. A Balance of matter ruled by Fick's Law of the diffusion oil-solvent, and the equation of difusitivity that governs the transitory behavior of pressure defined by Everdingen and Hurst. The stability of the simultaneous solution of the differential equations system is acceptable, due the founded solutions are analytical type. Operationally the efficiency of the stimulation and the field practice, they will be key points that there will allow the successful execution of the planned process, through the wells completation with sand control filters, sensors of pressure and temperature, besides the thermal equipments of completation that requiere the thermal processes. To illustrate the field application of the proposed technology, there was selected the reservoir Bachaquero-01. The results obtained in several running of sensibilities, indicate that it is achieved an increase obtains in the mobility factor of the oil at reservoir conditions of 10,5 times superior than the original one. Giving cycles of production of approximately 10 months, for a stimulated average rate with hot solvent of 850 BN/day versus stimulated average day with steam of 380 BN/day, in an arrangement of conformated wells by two horizontal ones in parallel. The obtained results indicate that the heat solvent injecting technology to the formation is more favorable alternative than the steam alternate injection process, due it is predicted a major optimized recovery of oil by cycle. |