Histogram effects on peak shape analysis

Autor: S. Croft, N.P. Hawkes
Rok vydání: 1993
Zdroj: Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 44:521-525
ISSN: 0969-8043
Popis: The histogram effects of digitizing ideal, Gaussian, peak profiles have been studied using three fitting methods: (1) the conventional approach in which no allowance for the finite bin width is made, (2) an expansion correct to third order in bin width and (3) Liu's numerical integration method. This work is an extension of a previous study in that the restriction that the binning be done symmetrically has been relaxed. Liu's method was again found to be superior to the other two. The same three fitting criteria were also tested using symmetric and asymmetric synthetically generated histograms incorporating random counting statistics. In the cases considered all three methods faired reasonably well, and the additional complexity of method (3) provided no clear advantage over the more straightforward method (2).
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