Minimized Skeletal Mechanism for Methyl Butanoate Oxidation and Its Application to the Prediction of C3–C4Products in Nonpremixed Flames: A Base Model of Biodiesel Fuels

Autor: Hairong Tao, Chuang-Te Chiu, Kuang C. Lin, Fan-Hsu Kao
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Energy & Fuels.
ISSN: 1520-5029
DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.5b02389
Popis: Kinetic database of methyl butanoate (MB) combustion has been widely used as a base component for formulating kinetic mechanisms describing oxidation of larger methyl esters for biodiesel fuel surrogates. In this study, the detailed mechanism of Dooley et al. (Dooley, S.; Curran, H. J.; Simmie, J. M. Combust. Flame 2008, 153, 2–32) is minimized without empirical adjustment of rate constants in elementary reactions, using a combination of methods including a path flux analysis, removal of individual species, and peak molar concentration analysis. In the first phase, a basic skeletal mechanism with 38 species and 170 reactions for the oxidation of MB is developed, toward understanding the capability and limits of the reduced descriptions on high-temperature ignition delay times and major species profiles in 1-D counterflow flames. A comprehensive analysis of the decomposition pathways associated with preserved and removed reactions provides a scheme for mechanism developers with a clear foundation for creat...
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