Problems of formation of the toxic hepatopathy forming in the conditions of chronic fluoride intoxication of the body

Autor: Igor P. Danilov, N. N. Mikhailova, Maria S. Bugaeva, Tatyana V. Kochergina, Vera V. Kislitsyna, Tatyana K. Yadykina, L. G. Gorokhova
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Hygiene and sanitation. 100:693-699
ISSN: 2412-0650
DOI: 10.47470/0016-9900-2021-100-7-693-699
Popis: Introduction. Aluminium production is characterized by the accumulation of impurities of various toxic and chemical compositions in the air of working areas, the predominant among which are fluoride compounds. The accumulation of fluorides in the body causes the development of osteoarticular and associated systemic pathology. The aim of the study was to evaluate the hygienic and medico-biological features of toxic liver damage in the conditions of chronic fluoride intoxication of the body. Material and methods. The hygienic working conditions of the workers of the primary professions in aluminium production were evaluated. The analysis of hepatobiliary dysfunction based on clinical and instrumental methods was carried out in 263 subjects with fluoride intoxication and a comparison group of 116 persons. Experimental studies of the morpho-functional liver state in modelling chronic fluoride intoxication were carried out based on toxicological, biochemical, pathomorphological methods with histological analysis of tissues. The toxic properties of sodium fluoride were studied in 117 white laboratory male rats with its peroral route intake into the body. Results. The qualitative composition of the air in the working areas in the electrolysis building was analyzed. The prevalence of pathological disorders of the biliary tract in metallurgists engaged in aluminium production was assessed. Clinical studies revealed a significant prevalence of toxic fluoride hepatopathy, fatty hepatosis, cholecystitis and other disorders in the group of patients with chronic fluoride intoxication. The harmful effect of sodium fluoride on hepatocytes, vessels of the portal tract was shown in an experiment. Hyperfunction of the reticuloendothelial system, Kupffer cell proliferation, irreversible destruction of hepatocytes, necrosis against the background of severe dystrophy, and decreased synthetic activity of the liver were determined. Conclusion. The structure of occupational diseases in the workers engaged in the aluminium production is dominated by hepatobiliary pathology caused by toxic liver damage with fluoride confirmed by experimental data on destructive violations of its morphostructure. Contribution: Yadykina T.K. — the concept and design of the study, collection and processing of material, statistical processing, writing a text; Mikhailova N.N. — the concept and design of the study, editing; Bugaeva M.S. — collection and processing of material; Gorokhova L.G. – collection and processing of material, statistical processing; Kislitsyna V.V. — collection and processing of material; Danilov I.P. — collection and processing of material; Kochergina T.V. — collection of literature data. All authors are responsible for the integrity of all parts of the manuscript and approval of the manuscript final version. Conclusion of the Biomedical Ethics Committee of the Research Institute for Complex Problems of Hygiene and Occupational Diseases: the clinical study was carried out with the informed consent of the subjects and complies with the ethical standards of the Bioethical Committee of the Research Institute for Complex Problems of Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, developed in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki by the World Association “Ethical Principles for Conducting Scientific Research with Human Participation” as amended in 2013 and “Rules of Clinical Practice in the Russian Federation” approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 266 dated June 19, 2003 Research Institute for Complex Problems of Hygiene and Occupational Diseases. The study did not infringe on the rights and did not endanger the subjects. The experimental study on rats was carried out in accordance with the international rules “Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals” (Strasbourg, 1986) and the “Rules of laboratory practice in the Russian Federation (GLP)” (approved by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 19.06.2003, No. 267). Acknowledgement. The study had no sponsorship. Conflict of interest. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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