Uso de hábitat y perspectivas de Lontra longicaudis en un área protegida de Tamaulipas, México

Autor: Alejandro Fierro-Cabo, David E. Cowley, Robert L. Steiner, Mark C. Andersen, Piedad Esther Mayagoitia-González, Raul Valdez
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Therya. 4:243-256
ISSN: 2007-3364
DOI: 10.12933/therya-13-130
Popis: The habitat of the neotropical otter ( Lontra longicaudis ) at La Vega Escondida Protected Area (LVPA), located in southern Tamaulipas, is surrounded by an expanding urban landscape. Wetlands in this region are under an intense pressure due to several anthropogenic activities such as agriculture, livestock and commercial fisheries. The main goals of this study were to evaluate otter habitat within LVPA and determine human attitudes towards this species. Our data suggests canals were the most utilized habitat; the majority of otter evidence, which was comprised of scats were found in this habitat. Additionally, a high presence of logs and roots were recorded in canals (50% and 70% of canal transects). Responses from interviews indicate that the majority of the people had a positive attitude towards otters. Management recommendations include conservation strategies focused on highlighting both the ecological and cultural value of otters in this region. Key words: anthropogenic activities, neotropical otter, otter evidences, urban landscape, wetlands.
Databáze: OpenAIRE