Total Tourist Experience

Autor: Graciete Honrado, Ana Nata, Cecília Baptista, Cláudia Pires da Silva, Filipe Romão, Luís Mota Figueira, Marta Santos Dionísio
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: The aim of this chapter is to propose the concept of total tourism experience (TTE). In the current digital environment, this implies new visions on tourism research and operation. In this atmosphere, the experience of each tourist is structured according to a value chain composed of travel, accommodation, restaurant, entertainment and leisure, safety and health, access to goods, and complementary services. COVID-19 had a significant impact on the behaviour of tourism players. Heritage (natural and cultural resources) sustaining the tourism value chain is an asset worthy of special attention due to its finiteness, namely regarding the world heritage icons because its economic and social effect is revealed by each country's GDP. The pandemic destabilised the global tourism system. In this context, opportunity responses emerged. New opportunities for relaunching tourism were opened up, and thus, the TTE proposal is a timely contribution in the range of necessary, qualifying, challenging, innovative responses.
Databáze: OpenAIRE