D3.1 – Benchmark of markets and regulations for electricity, gas and heat and overview of flexibility services to the electricity grid

Autor: Cauret, Lionel, Belhomme, Regine, Raux-Defossez, Pauline, Eberbach, Jan, Eising, Manuel, Steinbeisser, Johannes, Pagan Carpe, Juana Maria, Nösperger, Stanislas
Popis: This report is Deliverable D3.1 of the MAGNITUDE H2020 European project. This deliverable provides: An overview of the most relevant services towards the electricity system, which allow to increase the share of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and enhance security of supply. These services also allow to increase the synergies and trading between electricity, gas and heat/cooling networks. This capability is futher studied in other Tasks and Work Packages of the project. For the most relevant services identified, a comparative analysis of the associated electricity markets and/or service provision mechanisms, including the following aspects: market mechanisms and regulations, products exchanged, remuneration and/or tariffs systems, main stakeholders involved and the key relationships. A comparative analysis of market segments for the gas and heat sectors, which can be affected by the service provision. To the extent possible, this analysis also covers the market mechanisms and regulations, the products exchanged, the remuneration and/or tariffs systems, the main stakeholders involved and the key relationships. The identification of market and regulatory barriers that might affect the provision of the services. The analysis is carried out for the project case study countries, namely Austria, Denmark, France, Italy, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. However, for this latter, only Great Britain is considered and not Northern Ireland.
Databáze: OpenAIRE