sj-docx-1-cpc-10.1177_10556656221151096 - Supplemental material for Design and Validation of a 3D Printed Cranio-Facial Simulator: A Novel Tool for Surgical Education

Autor: Wright, Joshua M., Ford, Jonathan M., Qamar, Fatima, Lee, Matthew, Halsey, Jordan N., Smyth, Matthew D., Decker, Summer J., Rottgers, S. Alex
Rok vydání: 2023
ISSN: 1055-6656
DOI: 10.25384/sage.21899730
Popis: Supplemental material, sj-docx-1-cpc-10.1177_10556656221151096 for Design and Validation of a 3D Printed Cranio-Facial Simulator: A Novel Tool for Surgical Education by Joshua M. Wright, Jonathan M. Ford, Fatima Qamar, Matthew Lee, Jordan N. Halsey, Matthew D. Smyth, Summer J. Decker and S. Alex Rottgers in The Cleft Palate Craniofacial Journal
Databáze: OpenAIRE