Autor: C Falletta, M Gaziano, M Lo Cascio, O Urso, A Floresta, M Scaccianoce, C Cicerone
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: European Heart Journal Supplements. 25:D164-D164
ISSN: 1554-2815
DOI: 10.1093/eurheartjsupp/suad111.385
Popis: Background Several non–randomized studies and small registries showed the efficacy of pulsed levosimendan infusion in relief of symptoms and preventing hospitalization in patients with advanced heart failure excluded by age or comorbidity from heart transplant program Aim of the study to describe the experience of pulsed levosimendan infusion in patient with advanced heart failure followed by the Division of Cardiology at "Villa Sofia" Hospital in Palermo Materials and methods we collected data of patient with adavced heart failure (NYHA III–IV) with reduced ejection fraction, who underwent pulsed levosimendan infusione at Division of Cardiology at "Villa Sofia" Hospital. Reduction of NYHA class, body weight and Nt–pBNP were examined as outcome indicators Results Between July 2021 an December 2022, fifhteen levosimendan infusion were made in five patient with advanced heart failure. Levodimendan was adminestered for a 24–hours infusion, as therapeutic day–hospital regimen. in the population of analysis, the following mean parameters were recorded at admission: NYHA class 3.2, furosemide dose 390mg, Nt–pBNP 10710pg/ml, body weight 72.8Kg, glomerualr filtration rate (GFR MDRD) 44ml/min. At discharge, the following mean parameters were recorded: NYHA class 2.1, Nt–pBNP 9225pg/ml, body weight 70.7Kg. One patient dead of sudden cardiac death during follow–up, one patient refused to continue treatment, the remaining three patient are still on treatment. Conclusions In our center experience, pulsed levosimendan infusion in patient with advanced heart failure determined an improvement of clinical and instrumental signs of congestion. Patients treated reported a subjective improvement of symptoms and of quality of life, also as a consequence of the reduction of the hospitalizations for heart failure. Although data ara scarce, they can be considered representative of a pilot experience of an integrated modality of assistance for patient with advanced heart failure, in which the sinergy between cardiology ward, a strict follow–up at the heart failure outpatient clinic are essential to obtain a good outcome in patient with such high complexity and frailty.
Databáze: OpenAIRE