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Аналізується практика Суду справедливості ЄС щодо захисту прав приватних осіб. Досліджуються процесуальні можливості приватних осіб у провадженнях по оскарженню актів ЄС, щодо бездіяльності інститутів ЄС та преюдиціальних провадженнях. Окремо розкривається питання щодо стандартів захисту права ЄС у судах держав-членів ЄС. Анализируется практика Суда справедливости ЕС о защите прав частных лиц. Исследуются процессуальные возможности частных лиц в производствах по обжалованию актов ЕС, по бездействию институтов ЕС и преюдициальных производствах. Отдельно раскрывается вопрос о стандартах защиты права ЕС в национальных судах государств-членов ЕС. Within the framework of the European Union, a new international legal order was created, in favor of which the state limited its sovereign rights in certain spheres. But most importantly that the subjects of this order are not only Member States but also private persons. The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) created a specific model for the effective protection of the rights of individuals within the EU. Annulment of the EU acts by private parties is one of the most complex and controversial issues both in doctrine and in practice. They are non-privileged applicants because if they want to bring a proceeding for annulment of the act which is addressed to other persons, then they must prove not only the grounds for proceeding but the existence of two conditions: that the contested act affects him directly and individually. Practice shows that the CJEU give a restrictive interpretation of Art. 263 of the TFEU concerning this group of applicants. However, the CJEU underlined that the effective judicial protection is guaranteed not only by separate Art. 263 of the TFEU, but by the set of articles, a namely indirect way of the preliminary ruling procedure through the national courts (Art. 267 of the TFEU) and by invoking before the CJEU the inapplicability of illegal act (Art. 277 of the TFEU). It can be concluded that despite the limited possibilities of individuals in the CJEU in the procedure for challenging the acts of EU institutions, the founding treaty and practice of the CJEU have established guarantees of effective judicial protection. The CJEU develops the effectiveness of protection mechanisms under EU law not only at EU level but also at national levels. The Court underlines that national procedural rules aimed at the realization of the rights granted to individuals by the EU law must be no less favorable than those aimed to exercise the rights conferred by national law. |