Determination of Adulterants in Diesel by Multivariate Calibration Associated With LED Spectrofluorimetry

Autor: Cristina M. Quintella, Alexandre Kamei Guimarães, Erika M. de O. Ribeiro, Weidson Leal Silva, Marilena Meira
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: International Journal of Chemistry. 6
ISSN: 1916-9701
Popis: In this paper, multivariate calibration models have been developed for determination of common adulterants (kerosene, turpentine and residual oil from fried foods) added to diesel. The samples were analyzed by LED spectrofluorimetry and the multivariate calibration models were developed by Partial Least Squares (PLS). The proposal is suggested as an analytical methodology of low-cost, fast and non-destructive able to quantify the presence of contaminants in the diesel. The results showed that adulterants concentrations were adequately reproduced by the fluorescence spectral data.
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