Effect of Insulator on Thermal Comfort in Poultry House in the Western Region of the State of Paraná

Autor: Carlos Marques, Jair Antonio Cruz Siqueira, Suélen Cristina Maino, M. De Bastiani, S. N. M. de Souza, E. Seabra Júnior, R. G. R. Da Silva, A. F. Toscan, D. M. dal Pozzo, J. Zanella, C. E. C. Nogueira, H. Mukai, J. A. A. Dos Santos
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Journal of Agricultural Science. 11:289
ISSN: 1916-9760
Popis: This work was carried out with the objective of evaluating effect of different insulation considering two poultry houses. Two dark house type, located in the western region of the State of Paraná, Brazil were analyzed. The poultry house A1 is characterized with trapezoidal aluzinc cover on the upper side interspersed with a layer of polyurethane and aluminized film on the underside, while the poultry house A2 has cover of aluzinc with black tarpaulin. A thermo-hygrometer was used to measure the temperature and relative humidity of the indoor and outdoor air, and a thermal imager was used to collect the surface temperature data of the birds. In this way, it was possible to evaluate the effect of different insulation of poultry houses on birds. Finally, was concluded that the poultry house A1 provided temperature and relative humidity and temperature of the birds closer to those considered as ideal in the literature.
Databáze: OpenAIRE