Reclamando Lo Que Nos Arrebataron

Autor: Ana Carina Ordaz, Jocelyn Jimenez-Ruiz, Vanessa Placeres
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Advances in Psychology, Mental Health, and Behavioral Studies ISBN: 9781668449011
Popis: The terms religion and spirituality are used interchangeably and often shown as symbols of strength, resiliency, and resistance among Latinxs with intersecting identities who are impacted by various forms of oppression in their daily lives. The authors will explore the shifts that have taken place in the Latinx population, moving away from predominantly Catholic practices and returning to practices pre-colonization and more Spiritual practices. The authors will weave intersectionality throughout this chapter, highlighting the diversity that exists within the Latinx community, focusing on cultural strengths, resiliency, and decolonization. The chapter will focus on central aspects of spirituality that include the return to indigenous healing practices, coping, and recommendations and implications focused on training through a multicultural lens and highlighting the strengths and growth areas of available interventions and research.
Databáze: OpenAIRE