Nutzen und Risiko eines Gastrostomas bei Säuglingen und Kleinkindern mit chronischer Peritonealdialyse

Autor: C Plank, R T Carbon, R Behrens, T. Lang, H. Köhler, M. Richter, J Dötsch
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie. 48:673-677
ISSN: 1439-7803
DOI: 10.1055/s-0028-1109931
Popis: BACKGROUND Nutrition of children with end-stage renal disease and peritoneal dialysis (PD) is often difficult. Tube feeding via a gastrostoma is discussed controversially, and some authors consider this as a contraindication because of the risk of peritonitis. METHODS In our centre 16 infants and children with end-stage renal disease were treated with PD and tube feeding over a gastrostoma in the last 12 years. The patients showed dystrophy (mean BMI -1.73 SDS) and were too small (mean body length -4.56 SDS). Seven of them (median age 11 months) received a gastrostoma before insertion of a Tenkhoff-catheter and start of PD. Nine children (median age 5 months) had PD primarily before insertion of the gastrostoma and start of tube feeding. RESULTS Patients with start of PD while a gastrostoma was already inserted had 15 events with peritonitis in the observation time of 91 months (1.98 per patient year). Patients with primary start of PD had 12 events with peritonitis in a total time of 43 month (3.34 per patient year), after insertion while PD was already running the number of events fell significantly to 25 peritonitis events in a total of 271 months (1.11 per patient year, p < 0.01). The children had a benefit from tube feeding via a gastrostoma in regard of body weight (BMI + 1.61 SDS, p < 0.01) as well as growth (body height + 2.29 SDS, p < 0.05). CONCLUSION Tube feeding via a gastrostoma is a good and safe option for alimentation, even under peritoneal dialysis. A decrease of PD-associated peritonitis under tube feeding was observed while physical development was positively influenced.
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