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Within the amount of space available, it is not possible to deal with all cholinomimetic agents. We have therefore limited ourselves to two compounds, THA (tetrahydroaminoacridine) and metrifonate. Due to its use in AD, a considerable number of clinical papers exist concerning THA, but basic toxicology data seem to be largely missing. With regard to metrifonate, a considerable number of both clinical and toxicological data exist due to its use as an insecticide and in the therapy of schistosomiasis. A short review of this compound was given at the last symposium on AD (Giacobini E and Becker R, 1988) and metrifonate was suggested as a possible treatment in AD. So far, only one publication has appeared in this particular field (Becker et al., 1990). This review will focus mainly on toxicological data in review papers. It also includes a section on butonate that can possibly be of use to achieve a prolonged cholinesterase inhibition (ChEI). |