Tillage and weed management effect on productivity of wheat under soybean-wheat-greengram cropping system in conservation agriculture

Autor: Priya Singh, M.L. Kewat, A.R. Sharma, Nisha Sapre
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Indian Journal of Weed Science. 49:226
ISSN: 0974-8164
Popis: The effect of tillage and weed management practices on density and biomass of Medicago denticulata, Chenopodium album and Phalaris minor as well as productivity of wheat in soybean-wheat-greengram cropping system was evaluated during 2013–14 and 2014–15 at ICAR-DWR, Jabalpur. The density and biomass of weeds were reduced to maximum when conventional tillage was done in wheat under CT-CTfallow system followed by conventional tillage in wheat under CT-ZT-ZT system. While, weed density and biomass were minimum with zero tillage in wheat in the presence of residues of preceding soybean under ZT+R-ZT+R-ZT+R system followed by ZT-ZT+R-ZT+R system, which recorded higher grain and straw yields as well as gross and net monetary returns. Metsulfuron + clodinafop (4 + 60 g/ha) ready mixture applied at 25 DAS recorded the lowest weed density as well as biomass and higher crop yield and monetary returns. The interaction indicated that metsulfuron + clodinafop (4 + 60 g/ha) applied in wheat with zero tillage in presence of residues of preceding soybean under ZT+R-ZT+R-ZT+R and ZT-ZT+RZT+R system has resulted in lower weed density and biomass with higher weed control efficiency, grain and straw yields, higher gross and net monetary returns including B: C ratio than other combinations.
Databáze: OpenAIRE