Photovoltaic-Energy-Profiles Used in Power to Heat Time-Lapse Tests

Autor: Klement, P., Thomsen, T., Lammers, F., Zobel, M., Hanke, B., Von Maydell, K.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2014
DOI: 10.4229/eupvsec20142014-6do.6.3
Popis: 29th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition; 3576-3580
Energy load profiles for combined heat and power in households are provided by the German guideline VDI 4655 but no standardized profiles for photovoltaic (PV)-energy are available so far. The objective of this paper is to provide PV profiles which can be used with load profiles of VDI 4655 for time-lapse tests and testing these in a hardware scenario. Using these PV profiles, a power to heat system is tested and compared to a normal heating system. Combining the German temperature climate zones of VDI 4655 with the irradiation climate zones of DIN V 4180-6 new climate zones were created. Twelve PV profiles from field measurements are chosen as reference days. The test system consists of a heater unit supplying heat to a heat exchanger and to a thermal buffer storage for domestic hot water (DHW). Supporting the heating unit a heating rod, powered by PV only, is integrated in the buffer storage in the power to heat test.
Databáze: OpenAIRE