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Sixty-nine yeast isolates were collected from different sources.The isolates were tested using agar well diffusion and disc diffusionassays against eight medically important indicators. Results indicatedthat 48 (69.6%) of isolates exhibited antibacterial activity against one ormore of the eight indicator bacteria. When pH was adjusted to 6.5, only26 isolates were effective. The stability of yeast isolates supernatants atpH 6.5 against proteolytic enzymes was also tested. Only sixteen isolateswere effective against test microorganisms. When the supernatants weretreated with catalase and trypsin, only thirteen isolates showedantibacterial activity. The isolate Eg-Y2 was very effective against Cl.tyrobutyricum which is considered as one of the most dangerousanaerobic pathogens. . The 13 isolates were identified as C. pelliculosa,C. guillermondii, C. glabrata, C. famata, Cryptococcus neoformans,Rodo muciluginosa using the 20 CUX API system. |