Performance Decrement after Combined Exposure to Ionizing Radiation and Shigella sonnei

Autor: Michael R. Landauer, Thomas B. Elliott, Gregory L. King, Alan D. Chap, Catherine L. Wilhelmsen, S. Samy Bouhaouala, Peter S. Wang, John L. Ferrell, Gregory B. Knudson
Rok vydání: 2001
Zdroj: Military Medicine. 166:71-73
ISSN: 1930-613X
Popis: Ionizing radiation could increase morbidity from common bacterial infections in military personnel on the modern battlefield. The combined effects of a sublethal dose of ionizing radiation and the bacterial diarrheal agent Shigella sonnei on body weight and forelimb grip strength in mice were assessed over a 30-day period. Individually housed B6D2F 1 female mice were divided into four groups: control, sham irradiation + gavage with saline vehicles; 3 Gy 60 Co gamma radiation at 0.4 Gy/min radiation + saline gavage 2 ; sham irradiation + 1.3 x 108 colony-forming units (CFUs) S. sonnei via gavage, administered 4 days postirradiation 3 ; and the combination of 3 Gy 60 Co gamma radiation + 1.3 × 10 8 CFUs S. sonnei. 4 Behavioral tests were conducted 3 days preirradiation and on days 9, 14, and 22 postirradiation. Body weight was significantly reduced in the radiation + Shigella group on days 5 to 10 postirradiation. Forelimb grip strength was reduced for mice in the radiation + Shigella group on days 9 and 14 postirradiation. These data demonstrate that an exposure to gamma radiation in combination with the bacterial agent S. sonnei can lead to a synergistic loss of body weight and degradation in performance.
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