Contextualization of mathematics as a didactic strategy in the learning of the Mathematics subject in students of the Administration professional career, semester 2022-I, UNASAM-2022 [Contextualización de las matemáticas como estrategia didáctica en el aprendizaje de la asignatura Matemática en estudiantes de la carrera profesional de Administración, semestre 2022-I, UNASAM-2022]

Autor: Jonhson Valderrama Arteaga, Perpetua Alayo Meregildo, Franklin Puelles Gonzales, Pilar Núñez Blas, Alexander Pacheco Castillo, Elí Monzón Briceño, Jonhy Garay Santisteban, Nemecio Castillo Tuya, Hever Hinostroza Encarnación, Marcela Saldaña Miranda
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Journal of Global Education Sciences. 5:45-58
ISSN: 2663-3787
DOI: 10.32829/gesj.v5i1.191
Popis: The objective of the research is to determine the influence of the contextualization of mathematics as a didactic strategy in the learning of the Mathematics subject in students of the Administration professional career, semester 2022-I, UNASAM-2022. The research is applied type, quantitative method and quasi-experimental design; Two instruments were applied: survey validated by two experts, applied to a sample of 96 students. The variables analyzed contextualization of mathematics and learning of the subject of mathematics, in whose investigation an affirmative hypothesis and a null hypothesis were formulated. After analyzing the results, it is affirmed that there is a significant influence of the contextualization of mathematics as a didactic strategy in the learning of the Mathematics subject, thus confirming the affirmative hypothesis. The verification of the hypothesis was made by applying the Student's T test. Thus, it is concluded that there is a significant influence of the contextualization of mathematics as a didactic strategy in the learning of the Mathematics subject in students of the Administration professional career, semester 2022-I, UNASAM-2022.
Databáze: OpenAIRE