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Indonesian abstract: Kemajuan pertanian Indonesia memang belum merata, di satu sisi, industri minyak kelapa sawit telah mencapai puncaknya menjadi produsen utama dunia, mulai menanam hingga produk jadi, telah berhasil dikelola Indonesia dengan baik. Namun jenis pertanian lainnya, belum mencapai tingkat revolusi industri 3,0 sekalipun. Masih banyak jenis pertanian yang masih ditindaki secara tradisional, menggunakan cara-cara tradisional dan belum ada solusi yang lebih kongkrit. Demikian pula dengan tata niaga pertanian, belum sampai pada situasi yang menguntungkan semua pihak, terutama petani yang sudah sepantasnya mendapat porsi hasil yang sesuai dengan apa yang sudah dilakukannya. Buku ini membahas tata-niaga pertanian terutama negara-negara lain, tentu saja masih dipenuhi oleh keterbatasan yang dipunyai petani dan saatnya kita menguak apa saja yang harus dibenahi agar tata-niaga pertanian Indonesia pun dapat lebih baik dari sebelumnya. Buku ini juga membahas tentang peran Pemerintah dan peneliti di negara lain dan kiranya dapat memberi inspirasi agar petani Indonesia juga memperoleh bantuan untuk kemajuan pertanian Indonesia. Buku ini disadari masih penuh kekurangan, sehingga kritik dan saran sangat dihargai demi perbaikan buku ini di masa mendatang. English abstract: The progress of Indonesian agriculture has not been evenly distributed, on the one hand, the palm oil industry has reached its peak of becoming the world's main producer, from planting to finished products, Indonesia has managed well. However, other types of agriculture have not yet reached the industrial revolution level of 3.0 though. There are still many types of agriculture that are still being acted on traditionally, using traditional methods and there is no concrete solution yet. Likewise with the agricultural trade system, it has not arrived at a situation that benefits all parties, especially farmers, who deserve a portion of the yield according to what they have done. This book discusses the agricultural trade system, especially in other countries, of course it is still filled with limitations that farmers have and it's time for us to reveal what needs to be addressed so that Indonesia's agricultural trade system can be better than before. This book also discusses the role of the Government and researchers in other countries and can inspire Indonesian farmers to also receive assistance for the advancement of Indonesian agriculture. It is realized that this book is full of flaws, so criticism and suggestions are highly appreciated for the sake of improving this book in the future. |