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Edge caching is one of the main features provided by fog storage service. However, according to recent studies, currently more than 60% of Internet traffic goes over HTTPS. In the presence of HTTPS, caching solutions become useless, as the application payload is encrypted by the transport layer security protocol i.e. SSL (Secure Socket Layer). This paper addresses this issue and proposes an alternate approach of content caching. Our approach leverages ICN (Information Centric Networking) protocol by naming encrypted content objects. To cache encrypted content objects we first propose DCAR (Dual-mode Content Aware Router), an edge router that incorporates caches and understands both IP and ICN flows. Next we present the details of DISCS (DCAR based Information centric Secure Content Sharing) architecture that leverages DCAR and enables secure content distribution. Finally we provide the details of realizing such a system and evaluate its performance on a proof-of-concept prototype. |