Multistatic PCL–SAR

Autor: Diego Cristallini, Philipp Wojaczek, Ingo Walterscheid
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Multidimensional Radar Imaging ISBN: 9781785618079
DOI: 10.1049/sbra527e_ch6
Popis: In this chapter, the attention is turned toward multistatic passive radar systems on airborne platforms for the purpose of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image creation. A passive radar system is a special type of bistatic radar that exploits noncooperative transmitters as its source of illumination. This chapter begins with an overview and introduction to passive SAR. By referring to the widely used digital video broadcast-terrestrial (DVB-T) standard as illuminator, we describe the complete signal processing chain in order to create a passive SAR image. This includes (i) preprocessing, which involves the synchronization, and the estimation of the reference signal; (ii) range compression, specifically addressing the time-varying waveform characteristics; (iii) the image formation stage, basically residing on back projection; and finally (iv) the issues related to mitigation of co-channel interference (CCI) arising in airborne passive radars.
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