Türkiye’nin ekolojik bölgeleri ve orman tiplerinde karbon kullanım etkinliğinin değerlendirilmesi

Autor: Sinan BULUT, Alkan GÜNLÜ
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Anadolu Orman Araştırmaları Dergisi. 7:175-182
ISSN: 1309-856X
Popis: The total amount of carbon deposited by forests is gross primary productivity (GPP), and the net amount remaining after respiration is net primary productivity (NPP). The carbon storage effectiveness of forests is determined by the NPP:GPP ratio. This ratio is carbon use efficiency (CUE), and it is important for understanding the dynamics of carbon exchange between the biosphere and atmosphere. The aim of this study is to evaluate the variation of CUE, which is commonly used as a constant value in terrestrial carbon models, in different forest types and ecoregions of Turkey. The distribution of forest types in different ecoregions of Turkey was determined and, NPP, GPP, and CUE values were calculated for the different forest types in each region in this study. Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite image was obtained for NPP and GPP content of forest types. In addition that the CORINE land use classification system was used for the spatial distribution of coniferous, broad-leaved and mixed forests in Turkey. The highest mean NPP (640 gC / m-2 y-1) and GPP (856 gC / m-2 y-1) were found in coniferous forests. The lowest NPP (267 gC / m-2 y-1) and GPP (493 gC / m-2 y-1) were detected in mixed forests in the Southeastern Anatolian Transitional Region. The highest CUE value was found in the Black Sea Climatic Region (0.89). Our results showed that the CUE was not a constant value. Although the mean CUE values among forest types were close to each other, significant differences were found between ecoregions. With the findings obtained, it is recommended that the CUE value should be determined under different environmental conditions
Databáze: OpenAIRE