Effects of Force, Race, and Coping Style on Pain During Patient-Controlled Mammography

Autor: Mark R. Conaway, Judy S. Brackett, Anna L. Stout, Barbara K. Rimer, Phyllis J. Kornguth, Karen E. Catoe
Rok vydání: 1993
Zdroj: Journal of Women's Health. 2:249-255
ISSN: 1059-7115
DOI: 10.1089/jwh.1993.2.249
Popis: Breast cancer is a major killer of American women, with 182,000 new cases and 46,000 deaths expected in 1993. If women over age 50 were to get regular screening mammograms, mortality from this disease could be reduced by about 30%. Although concern about pain is not the most important barrier to mammography utilization, it appears to be a significant concern, especially for minority women. We hypothesized that giving women control over compression during mammography would decrease their self-rated pain, and that a woman's coping style would affect perceived pain. We also investigated the relationship of self- versus technologist compression, amount of force, race, coping style, and pain. Data were collected on 109 women from three sources—a 30-item patient questionnaire prior to the exam, 12 additional patient items completed after the exam, a technologist assessment, and radiologists' ratings of mammogram quality. Of the 48 women who rated technologist-applied compression and patient-controlled ...
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