Global patterns of thermal niche filling in ectotherms

Autor: Nikki Moore, Ignacio Morales-Castilla, Anna Hargreaves, Miguel Olalla-Tárraga, Fabricio Villalobos, Piero Calosi, Susana Clusella-Trullas, Juan Rubalcaba, Adam Algar, Brezo Martínez, Laura Rodríguez, Sarah Gravel, Joanne Bennett, Greta Carrete-Vega, Carsten Rahbek, Miguel Araújo, Joey Bernhardt, Jennifer Sunday
Rok vydání: 2023
Popis: Understanding how temperature determines the distribution of life is necessary to assess species’ sensitivities to contemporary climate change. Here we test the importance of temperature in limiting geographic ranges of ectotherms by comparing temperatures across occupied ranges to those species could potentially occupy based on their physiological thermal tolerances. Whereas marine and tropical terrestrial species occupy temperatures that closely match their thermal tolerances, high-latitude terrestrial species under-occupy warm temperatures and are absent from thermally tolerable areas towards the equator. This suggests that on land, temperature less often limits the equatorward range edge of temperate species, supporting the hypothesis that their historic expansion ‘out of the tropics’ was associated with tropical biotic exclusion. Our findings predict more direct responses to climate warming of marine ranges and cool range edges of terrestrial species.
Databáze: OpenAIRE