Probiotic drug 'Propionovy' in the diets of broiler chickens

Autor: T. N. Orlova, V. N. Khaustov
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Kormlenie sel'skohozjajstvennyh zhivotnyh i kormoproizvodstvo (Feeding of agricultural animals and feed production). :14-32
ISSN: 2075-1524
DOI: 10.33920/sel-05-2109-02
Popis: Currently, probiotics are an alternative to feed antibiotics in poultry farming. Probiotic cultures that are part of these drugs suppress the development of pathogenic and contain conditionally pathogenic bacteria at a safe level, as well as maintain a healthy microflora at a normal level. The mechanism of action of probiotics is studied by specialists from different countries. The purpose of the work was to study the effect of the probiotic drug “Propionovy” on the productive traits and physiological state of broiler chickens. Experimental studies have been carried out under the conditions of LLC “Kuzbassky broiler” in the Kemerovo region. The object of the study was broiler chickens of the cross Hubbard ISA F-15. Comprehensive studies have been conducted on the use of the probiotic drug “Propionovy”, which includes strains of Propionibacterium freudenreichii spp. in the diets of broiler chickens. The influence of various dosages of the studied drug on the productivity and quality of poultry meat, on morphological and biochemical parameters of blood has been studied. The optimal dose of introducing the drug “Propionovy” into the diets of broiler chickens, which is most effective for production from the economic point of view has been determined. It has been found according to the results of the production inspection that the inclusion of the probiotic drug “Propionovy” in the diets of broiler chickens contributed to the increase in the total gain in live weight in the experimental group by 3,76 % and the decrease in the prime-cost of production by 0,45 %, which allowed to obtain an additional profit of 2,83 rubles from 1 head. It has been found that the introduction of the probiotic drug “Propionovy” into the diets of broiler chickens of the cross Hubbard ISA F-15 has the positive effect on their productive traits and physiological state, and also allows us to get additional profit.
Databáze: OpenAIRE