Management of Sacral Pressure Sore by Clinically Isolated Superior Gluteal Artery Perforator-based Fasciocutaneus Flap in Patients with Spinal Cord Injury

Autor: Pramod Kumar Parida, Mamtamanjari Sahu, S P Das
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Indian Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 27:14-18
ISSN: 0973-2209
Popis: Prolong confinement to bed in spinal injury patients imparts constant pressure on bony prominences resulting impairment of blood flow to local tissue. Constant pressure of 2 hours or more produces irreversible changes leading to tissue necrosis and development of pressure sore. Sacrum encounters highest pressure in supine position and is the commonest site of pressure sore in spinal cord injury patients followed by trochanter and heel. Objective of the study Observation on management of sacral pressure sore by superior gluteal arterial perforatorbased flap using anatomical land marks in the absence of facility of Doppler probe for isolation of superior gluteal arterial perforators. Materials and methods Thirteen patients of spinal cord injury presented with sacral pressure sore were managed surgically using superior gluteal artery perforator-based flap coverage. The location of the artery was identifi ed using anatomical land marks. In 10 patients the flap was heeled uneventfully, one had signifi cant complication with wound dehiscence. Conclusions Management of sacral pressure sore by superior gluteal arterial perforator-based flap using anatomical land marks is a simple and reliable procedure. The learning curve is not that stiff. Sophisticated instruments are not required for this procedure.
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