73-LB: Continuous Glucose Monitoring Utilization and Associated Metrics in People with Diabetes on Insulin Therapy in the U.S

Autor: Chris Lavallee, Rattan Juneja, Ludi Fan, Emily R. Hankosky, Michael Betts, Tracy J. Sims, Felicia Gelsey, Emeka Umeh, Magaly Perez-Nieves, Elizabeth L. Eby
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Diabetes. 70
ISSN: 1939-327X
DOI: 10.2337/db21-73-lb
Popis: Background: Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) systems generate real-time information on blood glucose trends in PwD, providing regular feedback that may help inform care decisions. This study aimed to describe real-world CGM use and CGM-derived glucometrics in insulin-using PwD. Methods: Data for adults (≥18 years) with T1D and T2D using insulin therapy and CGM were identified from Glooko’s cloud-based data storage and linked with Decision Resources Group™ Real-World Evidence repository (Jan 1, 2015-Jul 30, 2019). Summary statistics on 1-year aggregated CGM data and glucometrics are presented. Results: Over one year, CGM data were uploaded on average 215.7 days (59%) for people with T1D (n = 4896) and 191.5 days (52%) for people with T2D (n = 582). Among people with T1D and T2D, time in range (TIR) was 59.9% and 62.6%, coefficient of variation (CV) was 36.0% and 30.7%, time above range (TAR; level 2) was 13.3% and 12.2%, and time below range (TBR; level 2) was 0.8% and 0.3%, respectively (Table1). Conclusion: In this sample of PwD using insulin, level 2 TBR and CV were within the international consensus guideline recommendations, but TIR was below the recommended 70%, potentially driven by time spent in level 2 TAR. There is still an unmet clinical need for PwD to achieve guideline recommended targets; advancements in medications and technologies may help to achieve these goals. Disclosure M. Perez-nieves: Employee; Self; Eli Lilly and Company. R. Juneja: Employee; Self; Eli Lilly and Company. E. R. Hankosky: Employee; Self; Eli Lilly and Company, Stock/Shareholder; Self; Eli Lilly and Company. L. Fan: Employee; Self; Eli Lilly and Company, Stock/Shareholder; Self; Eli Lilly and Company, Stock/Shareholder; Spouse/Partner; Eli Lilly and Company. F. Gelsey: Employee; Self; Eli Lilly and Company, Stock/Shareholder; Self; Eli Lilly and Company. E. L. Eby: Employee; Self; Eli Lilly and Company, Stock/Shareholder; Self; Eli Lilly and Company. T. J. Sims: Employee; Self; Eli Lilly and Company. E. Umeh: None. M. Betts: None. C. Lavallee: None. Funding Eli Lilly and Company
Databáze: OpenAIRE