Genetic Variability and Associations of Yield and Yield Related Traits for Fieldpea (Pisum stivum L.) Genotypes in Arsi Zone, Southeastern Ethiopia

Autor: Gizachew Yilma Kebede, Temesgen Abo, Gebeyaw Achenef Haile
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: International Journal of Genetics and Genomics. 9:50
ISSN: 2376-7340
Popis: Field pea is an important pulse crops in Ethiopia, however the production is reduced due to many constraints including limited availability of improved variety and traditional farming systems. Twenty five advanced field pea genotypes were evaluate for ten traits at three locations during 2015/16 main cropping season using RCBD with two replications. Thus the objectives of this study were to estimate genetic variability of the genotypes and to assess the associations of yield and yield related traits. The ANOVA result showed that significant variation among genotypes. Mean square from genotype by environment interaction showed that highly significant variation among the genotypes for all traits. The genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variation ranged from 2.4 to 12.9 and 2.9 to 22 respectively. Heritability estimates and genetic advance as present of mean also ranged from 20% to 90% and from 2.2% to 25.8% respectively. Higher estimate of heritability recorded from days to 50% flowering and thousand seed weight. Grain yield showed a significant and negative genotypic association with plant height and stand count. Stand count, days to 50% flowering, thousands seed weight and powdery mildew have a negative direct effects on grain yield while plant height has appositive direct effect on grain yield. The first two principal components explained about 58.36% of the total variation among the genotypes. The first components explained about 38.97% of the total variation and mostly explained by stand count, powdery mildew and days to 50% flowering. So the research gives as clear information about the 25 field pea genotypes for future breeding strategy.
Databáze: OpenAIRE