Contemporary grief rituals for Christians in North America

Autor: Carol A Wood, G Wade Rowatt
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: International Journal of Health Promotion and Education. 44:19-23
ISSN: 2164-9545
Popis: With increasing urbanisation and declining church affiliation, bereavement support is changing. Traditionally, the church community assists the bereaved through a variety of rituals including a funeral or memorial service, prayers, visitation, and caring for the family. Within the Christian tradition, funeral rites vary between Catholics and Protestants. For the dying, rituals such as absolution, sacrament of the sick, anointing with oil, and prayers affirm the presence of a loving God. The central focus of a Christian funeral is the belief in the resurrection of the body and the hope that life does not end with the physical mortality. The assurance of a clergyperson/priest and an empathie counsellor who appreciates the importance of ritual and the role of hope can assist the bereaved through their grief process, exemplified here with a case study.
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