The static and dynamic properties of the avalanche injection diode

Autor: A.G. Jordan, J.R. Szedon
Rok vydání: 1963
Zdroj: Solid-State Electronics. 6:631-643
ISSN: 0038-1101
Popis: Since the proposal of the avalanche injection diode, AID , by Gunn, it has become necessary to incorporate fundamental knowledge regarding collision multiplications and other high field, high current density effects into models that approximate actual devices. Previous approaches to the problem have been inadequate for all but a qualitative appreciation of the behavior of the device. This investigation has produced a more comprehensive model for the AID ; one that encompasses to some extent both high and low electric field effects, and explains the observed, low-level dynamic response of the device in terms of conductivity modulation effects. The steps leading to a numerical evaluation of the high frequency behavior of the device in terms of geometric and material parameters have been developed and have been used to explain the characteristics of typical units.
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