A clinical study of Shunthyadi churna in the Management of Tamaka shwasa W.S.R. to Bronchial Asthma

Autor: Jitendra Varsakiya, Rajnik Jadav, Alankruta R Dave
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Journal of Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicine. 4:48-52
ISSN: 2454-5023
Popis: In classics Tamaka Shwasa is Pitta Sthana Samudbhava Vhadhi, mainly affected Doshas are Vata and Pitta. In modern science Tamaka Swasa is correlate with bronchil ashtha, Symptoms of Tamaka Swasa is nearly similar to. Bronchial asthma a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways in which the chronic inflammation causes an associated increase in airway hyperresponsiveness that leads to recurrent episodes of asthmatic exacerbation. Modern science has no permanent cure of Tamaka Swasa, thats why it is necessity to search herbal and herbo-minaral preparations for the treatment of disease. It is safe and effective in asthma. Shunthyadi Churna described in Yogratnakara for the treatment of Shwasa. Aim: Role of Shunthyadi Churna in treatment of Tamaka Shwasa. Materials and Methods: Total 23 patients of Tamaka Shwasa age group of 18 to 60 years fulfilling the inclusion criteria were selected for trial. Disscussion: Properties having Shuthyadi Churna is Tikta Katu Rasa, Laghu and Tikna Guna (light and penetrating properties), Ushna Virya (hot potency) and Vatakaphagna (decrease Vata and Kapha Dosha). Shuthyadi Churna is effective in break down the Samprapti of Tamaka Swasa and effective remedy for the patient of bronchial asthma.
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