Peculiarities of four-wave mixing with feedback with an additional pc mirror in the CO2 laser radiation range

Autor: A. A. Betin, K. V. Ergakov, O. V. Mitropolsky, D. V. Ossipov
Rok vydání: 1994
Zdroj: 1994 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe.
DOI: 10.1364/cleo_europe.1994.cwf60
Popis: The scheme of phase conjugation (PC) in four-wave mixing with feedback (FWMF) using an amplifier in the feedback loop is a laser controlled by an external optical signal. Note that in this scheme the generation is, generally, developed simultaneously in two directions and is withdrawn through a nonlinear medium as the useful reflected wave E r counter to the signal and the parasitic wave E p copropagating with the signal. The energy of the parasitic wave E p often proves to be higher than the energy of the reflected wave E r .1,2 Thus, the problem of providing the unidirectional propagation of the conjugate wave is urgent.
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