Autor: Sudiro Sudiro, Hana Dhini Julia Pohan, Arifah Devi Fitriani
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Indonesian Trust Health Journal. 4:417-424
ISSN: 2655-1292
DOI: 10.37104/ithj.v4i1.70
Popis: Infant mortality has a close relationship with the quality of maternal care, so the process of childbirth and baby care must be in an integrated system at the national and regional levels. The study was conducted at Dr. Pirngadi Hospital Medan 2019. The research aims at describing the administration and management of PONEK, describing the adequacy of PONEK HR, and describing the fulfillment of PONEK facilities. This research approach is descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques through interviews. The informants of this study were the PONEK Implementation Team and the PONEK Management Team with a total of 8 people. The research instrument was the researcher himself and the collection of data through interviews and documentation. Processing and analysis of data used in the Content Analysis method. The results of the study were that the PONEK funding source comes from the Regional Public Service Agency. Incorrect PONEK Team Placement. Many PONEK Team members have not yet received PONEK training and certificates. 24-hour PONEK facilities. Blood supply of RSUD Dr. Pirngadi Medan is a Blood Transfusion Unit. The conclusion of the research is that management and administration are less than optimal. The PONEK executive officer does not get special PONEK incentives. The placement of Human Resources in implementing PONEK officers is not in accordance with their main tasks and functions, many PONEK Team members have not received PONEK certificate training but have provided emergency obstetric services. PONEK facilities serve 24 hours. The suggestion is that the budget for the procurement of facilities be proposed in the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget / Medan Government so that the Regional Public Service Board budget obtained by the hospital can be used optimally for the need to improve PONEK training and provide special PONEK incentives for PONEK implementing officers. Abstrak Kematian bayi mempunyai hubungan erat dengan mutu penanganan ibu, maka proses persalinan dan perawatan bayi harus dalam sistem terpadu di tingkat nasional dan regional. Penelitian dilakukan di RSUD Dr. Pirngadi Medan Tahun 2019. Penelitian bertujuan mendeskripsikan administrasi dan pengelolaan PONEK, mendeskripsikan kecukupan SDM PONEK, dan mendeskripsikan pemenuhan fasilitas PONEK. Pendekatan penelitian ini deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara. Informan penelitian ini Tim Pelaksana PONEK dan Tim Manajemen PONEK dengan jumlah seluruhnya 8 orang. Instrument penelitian adalah peneliti sendiri dan pengumpulan data melalui wawancara dan dokumentasi. Pengolahan dan analisis data menggunakan metode Content Analysis. Hasil penelitian adalah Sumber dana PONEK berasal dari Badan Layanan Umum Daerah. Penempatan Tim PONEK yang tidak sesuai. Banyak anggota Tim PONEK yang belum mendapatkan pelatihan dan sertifikat PONEK. Fasilitas PONEK 24 jam. Persediaan darah RSUD Dr. Pirngadi Medan bersifat Unit Transfusi Darah. Kesimpulan penelitian yaitu Pengelolaan dan administrasi kurang maksimal. Petugas pelaksana PONEK tidak mendapatkan insentif khusus PONEK. Penempatan Sumber Daya Manusia petugas pelaksana PONEK tidak sesuai tupoksinya, banyak anggota Tim PONEK yang belum mendapatkan pelatihan sertifikat PONEK tetapi sudah memberikan pelayanan obstetri emergensi. Fasilitas PONEK melayani 24 jam. Saran yaitu anggaran pengadaan fasilitas diusulkan dalam Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah/Pemerintah Kota Medan, sehingga anggaran Badan Layanan Umum Daerah yang didapat rumah sakit bisa digunakan secara maksimal untuk kebutuhan meningkatkan pelatihan PONEK dan pemberian insentif khusus PONEK bagi petugas pelaksana PONEK.
Databáze: OpenAIRE