Surface Plasmon Polaritons of the Metamaterial Symmetric Five-layered Structures

Autor: 陶峰 Tao Feng, 王燕 Wang Yan, 白丽华 Bai Lihua, 戴晔 Dai Ye, 赵玉静 Zhao Yu-Jing, 任海红 Ren Hai-Hong, 阎晓娜 Yan Xiaona, 张惠芳 Zhang Huifang
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: ACTA PHOTONICA SINICA. 39:2234-2240
ISSN: 1004-4213
Popis: The surface plasmon polaritons(SPPs) properties of symmetric five-layered structures composed of three kinds of materials:left-handed material(LHM),negative dielectric permittivity material(NDPM),and dielectric are investigated.The existence regions,dispersion relations,and excitation of the p and s polarized SPPs in several types of symmetric five-layered structures are studied in detail.It is shown that the properties of SPPs in different frequency regions are strongly dependent on the composite materials and their sequencing of the symmetric five-layered structures.It is also found that more layers lead to more surface dispersion branches,and more surface polarization modes in pass-band frequency.The intensified transmission can be realized when p and s polarized SPPs resonance.The possibility of exciting and observing SPPs by Attenuated Total Reflection(ATR) technique is also discussed.
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