Determining the temperature values on the surface of complex curvilinearly bent agricultural machine parts during the formation of powder coatings by thermal methods

Autor: E V Pukhov, I V Shchegolev, V L Sidorenkov
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 845:012139
ISSN: 1755-1315
Popis: The development of modern technologies for the restoration and hardening of agricultural machine parts require the development of a mathematical apparatus that simulates the involved processes. For this purpose, the models should take into account the technological features of the process of hardening and restoration of machine parts, including: cleaning; determination of geometric indicators; surface preparation; choice of technology; subsequent machining of the resulting surface; surface quality control. One of the priority directions in the development of technologies for the restoration and hardening of parts is the formation of coatings on machine parts using powder materials applied by the gas-thermal method. One of the most important conditions for obtaining high-quality coatings is temperature control on the surface of the part. In this regard, it is of scientific interest to study the effect of the distance from the surface of the part to the flame nozzle when applying self-fluxing powder on the time-average temperature at the point of coating, the maximum temperature on the back side of the part, and the total power transferred to the part by the gas burner. This paper presents a mathematical model for determining the above-mentioned influence, and also presents the results obtained using a computer program. The novelty of the model is the ability to use it to study temperature values for complex curved-bent machine parts (crankshafts and camshafts of agricultural machines). To check the reliability of the dependences obtained, experiments were carried out and the convergence with theoretical developments was confirmed.
Databáze: OpenAIRE