Imaging of X-Ray Aurorae from Spacelab

Autor: R. A. Goldberg, J. G. Emming, K. L. Hallam
Rok vydání: 1978
Zdroj: Optical Engineering. 17
ISSN: 0091-3286
DOI: 10.1117/12.7972180
Popis: The Atmospheric X-ray Emission Telescope (AXET) is designed to image and measure the spatial, temporal, and spectral distributions of X-ray aurorae produced in the upper atmosphere by precipitating energetic electrons. The bremsstrahlung-produced X radiation penetrates to stratospheric depths where it can modify ozone, conductivity, and other critical atmospheric parameters. Remote sensing of this radiation from topside will provide vital data on solar-terrestrial relationships and mechanisms that could help trigger tropospheric response to solar activity. The X rays also provide direct information concerning the dynamics of radiation-belt processes within the magnetosphere. AXET is designed to detect sources up to 50 keV and to image them below 25 keV by means of directionally sensitive proportional counters with passive collimators. It will be mounted in the Space Shuttle on a single fixed platform designed to optimize viewing conditions for the anticipated orbits and aspects of early Spacelab missions.
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