Helminth and arthropod parasites of fishes in the mountain national parks of Canada

Autor: R. Stewart Anderson, Dwight R. Mudry
Rok vydání: 1977
Zdroj: Journal of Fish Biology. 11:21-33
ISSN: 1095-8649
Popis: Sixteen parasite species including one monogenean, two digeneans, five cestodes, six nematodes. one acanthocephalan, and one copepod were collected from 257 fish of 13 species examined from 32 lake and nine stream sites in the mountain National Parks of British Columbia and Alberta. The following parasites are reported from Alberta for the first time: Bunodera luciopercae (Muller, 1776), Eubothrium rugosum Batsch 1786, Proteocephalus parallacticus MacLulich, 1943, Rhabdochona cascadilla Wigdor, 1918, Rhabdochona milleri Choquette, 1951, Contracaecum brachyurum (Ward & Magath, 1917), Bulbodacnitis truttae (Fabricius, 1794), Neochinorhynchus rutili (Mueller, 1780), and Ergasilus nerkae Roberts 1963. Tetraonchus variabilis Mizelle & Webb, 1953 and Rhabdochona milleri Choquette, 1951 are reported from British Columbia for the first time.
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