Innovative Analyses and Interventions in the Treatment of Selective Mutism

Autor: Rebecca S. Allen, Adriana Coates, Melissa F. Jackson, Marisa L. Nava, Allison B. Boothe
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: Clinical Case Studies. 4:81-112
ISSN: 1552-3802
Popis: The authors present a successful, 25-session, multidimensional intervention for the treatment of selectivemutismin a 6-year-old male with a 1-year observational follow-up. They also include an evaluative review of the extant literature of the treatment of selective mutism from 1950 to the present. Their assessment approach utilized behavioral, cognitive, systems, and psychodynamic components. Treatment efficacy was assessed through videotaped observation of behavioral time-samples of the client during therapeutic interaction, self-report, parental report, and real-time behavioral observations at school. Results indicated a significant increase in verbal behaviors during therapy sessions, paired t(17) = 2.31, p= .033. In addition, the client was observed to be verbally interacting with peers and teachers at school at 1-year follow-up. These results suggest that the authors’ multidimensional approach to the treatment of selectivemutismmay offer a successful, brief intervention for those families in which parents decline use of pharmacotherapy in a child.
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