Runoff nutrient losses from tall fescue pastures varying in endophyte association, fertilization, and harvest management

Autor: D.S. Seman, Alan J. Franzluebbers, Dinku M. Endale, J. A. Stuedemann, Dorcas H. Franklin, Harry H. Schomberg
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 76:25-38
ISSN: 1941-3300
DOI: 10.2489/jswc.2021.00164
Popis: Tall fescue (Lolium arundinaceum [Schreb.] S.J. Darbysh.) is a widely adopted cool-season perennial forage in the southeastern United States. Historically, tall fescue contained a symbiotic fungal endophyte, Epichloe coenophiala, that produced an ergot alkaloid toxic to livestock. New fescue biotypes have been developed that are endophyte free or include endophytes that produce low-toxicity alkaloids. Ecological implications of these biotypes are not fully understood. We evaluated nutrient runoff quality for three tall fescue biotypes (common, high alkaloid endophyte [wild]; low alkaloid endophyte [novel]; and endophyte free [free]) under two fertilizer sources (broiler litter [BL] and inorganic fertilizer) in grazed systems and a hayed system with inorganic fertilization of endophyte free fescue. The seven treatments were replicated twice on 1 ha paddocks near Watkinsville, Georgia. Grazed paddocks were stocked in September each year with weaned Angus (Bos taurus) heifers (2002 to 2007) and steers (2008 to 2009) at rates of ~3 to 6 head paddock–1 adjusted every 28 days to maintain 1 to 3 Mg ha–1 of available forage. Weather conditions varied from very dry to very wet and allowed 15 grazing periods (50 to 198 days). Tall fescue with novel-endophyte association had lower or equal runoff concentrations and loads for inorganic nitrogen (N), total N (TN), ortho-phosphorus (ortho-P), and total P (TP) than fescue with wild- or free-endophyte association (fescue treatment mean concentrations [mg L–1]
Databáze: OpenAIRE