An Integrated Workflow to Automatically Fabricate Flexible Electronics by Functional Printing and SMT Component Mounting

Autor: E. Aytac, Martin Ungerer, Peter F. Stiller, Liane Koker, Ulrich Gengenbach, Klaus-Martin Reichert, Veit Hagenmeyer
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: CASE
Popis: Functional printing shows a huge potential for fabrication of flexible electronics on polymer films. However, not all electronic functionality can be realized by functional printing yet. The combination of functional printing and mounting of silicon electronic components is a pragmatic approach to realize new functionalities. This paper presents an integrated, automated workflow to derive fabrication data for a flexible hybrid printed circuit from a CAD-layout. These CAD data and prior knowledge from empirical process data are used to create motion programmes for subsequent fabrication and inspection steps. On the example of a demonstrator circuit, circuit layout and assignment of different functionalities to different CAD layers are illustrated. The exported CAD data are the input for a generator tool, which first verifies and then optimises the layout for the subsequent fabrication processes. Thereafter the tool automatically generates motion commands for a vector single nozzle ink-jet printing module, an optical inspection module and a SMT component placement module. The automated data and fabrication workflow is explained in detail, finally leading to the functional printed demonstrator circuit.
Databáze: OpenAIRE