Spontaneous Emission by Atoms near a Dielectric Waveguide

Autor: Wladyslaw Zakowicz, A. Blędowski
Rok vydání: 1996
Zdroj: Quantum Field Theory Under the Influence of External Conditions ISBN: 9783663012054
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-663-01204-7_50
Popis: Spontaneous emission of photons by an atom placed near the dielectric waveguide is analyzed using global free electromagnetic modes, satisfying necessary continuity conditions at the waveguide boundaries 1. These modes include modes extended over the whole space (travelling) and modes trapped to the waveguide. To describe angular properties of the spontaneous emission, a parameterization of the travelling modes by the outgoing waves has been proposed. Otherwise, using a more common parameterization of these modes by the incoming waves, one has to take into account the interference of different reflected and transmitted waves accompanying photons incoming from both sides of the waveguide 2, what was overlooked in 3. Angular characteristics of the travelling photon emission (a), distributions of the trapped photon emission (b), as well as global decay rates (c), have been calculated using the quantum approach and standard perturbation theory. Enhancement and suppression of radiative decay rates in various configurations have been shown. A certain calculational error, in the treatment of the density of trapped states, in an earlier paper by Khosravi and Loudon 4, affecting emission rates for thin waveguides, has been corrected.
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